07日 3月 2020
Today, a rotating mirror ball has been installed at Big Mo 'Studio! When you shine light on the mirror ball, it looks like a microcosm. You will be healed from the bottom of your heart. And it is reminiscent of Fuji Rock Fertival's Field of Heaven. From now on, it may be good to practice the band in midnight. Anyway, it's becoming a unique studio!
01日 3月 2020
The Sun's resurrection live "Kills Mountain Jams!!" Was scheduled to be held on March 8, 2020, but was canceled due to the impact of Covid-19, which is spreading worldwide. To that end, we performed a studio live at Big Mo 'Studio! Two new songs from Chill and King Of The Road burst! The pattern has been uploaded to YouTube. I'd love to! take a look!

16日 2月 2020
The meeting and rest space has been set up in The Sun exclusive studio, Big Mo 'Studio. We talk a lot about the future here, drink beer and coffee, and eat cup ramen! Also, on the left side is the practice space. And you can go to the loft by climbing the ladder on the left. You can stay in this loft space! Becoming the best studio!
10日 2月 2020
The Sun's Official Twitter has finally been lifted! Please take a look! What will we tweet in the future? We don't know, but we'll update when something happens. Thank you!

01日 2月 2020
A new song called King Of The Road has been completed. We will show off on March 8, 2020! This new song expresses the pain and irritation that we have had up to now, but it is a song with a feeling of exploding towards the future! Every path needs to be pioneered by yourself. Let's Go! King Of The Road!!!
26日 1月 2020
Big Mo 'Studio is finally here! It was completed! This studio is a remodeled garage dedicated to The Sun. 24 hours, roaring, with loft, refrigerator, Wi-Fi, no air conditioning. And the fifth member is the guard dog chiro. Also, we plan to launch a YouTube channel soon. stay tuned!

11日 1月 2020
Big Mo 'Studio, a 24-hour studio dedicated to The Sun! We started construction from today. Lots of luggage, lots of equipment, lots of right soul, everything will be thrown out here. Ready soon. let's! Rock 'n' roll! We are garage bands!
05日 1月 2020
The first PV for The Sun has been completed. And we will be out in this world. The Sun is here for 2020! Fast, intense, burst rock and roll! I want many people to listen. And with a loud sound!

09日 12月 2019
The future is unwritten, but real time can be written. Just write the right thing exactly. Weak people want to help, but timid people are just annoying. I think that the person who works hard and lives best is the most beautiful.
29日 11月 2019
The Sun's sound source has been uploaded to YouTube. Please listen as loud as possible ! I'm glad to hear something. Thank you !
